About the End User Portal
Syncro's End User Portal is an efficient hub where your customers can communicate and collaborate with you. It's an extension of the main Syncro product that provides a subset of functionality to improve your end users' overall service experience.
Note: The End User Portal was previously referred to as the Customer Portal. Customers are in the process of being renamed to (Customer) Organizations, and Contacts to End Users. You may see both names in Syncro for the time being.
Through the End User Portal, your customers can:
- Create, view, and update support tickets, allowing for streamlined communication and tracking of issues.
- View their invoices, check their payment status, and make payments.
- View their assets and inventory and, in some cases, remotely access and run scripts on them.
- Access important documents, guides, and resources you provide.
After using one of the methods described to access it, Syncro displays the Portal to your end users.
What your end users see in their Portal is based on their Portal User Permission Group, which you set up when you create a (Customer) Organization or a End User/Contact. You can also edit these to include add Portal User later.
Note: By default, End Users are in the “Non-Portal User Group," which means they can only access the Portal and create new tickets.
This document describes the full capability of the End User Portal based on how “Admin Portal Group” access is defined in Syncro by default. All sections are described here, but you can configure the End User Portal to show/hide the sections and features you want.
New Version
You can read on, or watch this short video to learn more:
Header & Button Bar
The upper left portion of the header contains your company's branding information (e.g., logo, name) as you defined them when you set up your Syncro account.
If no Portal User is signed in, the button bar in the upper right portion of the header shows:
- Sign In: Click to sign into the Portal.
- Get Help: Opens a pop-up window so the end user can submit a new ticket. (This button is only visible when the “Tickets - Create New” box is checked in the corresponding Portal User Permission Group.)
If a Portal User is signed in, the button bar in the upper right portion of the header shows:
Business Name: A dropdown with the Business Name you specified when you created the Customer (Organization), along with the following options:
Privacy Settings: Opens a Communications Settings page where the end user can set their marketing preferences.
(This button is only visible when the “Privacy Settings - Manage” box for the Portal User Permission Group is checked.) - Reset Password: Sends a password reset email to the end user's email. This button is visible when the end user is enabled as a Portal User. See Work with Portal Users & Permission Groups for instructions.
- Sign Out: Logs the end user out of the Portal and returns them to the Sign In page.
Privacy Settings: Opens a Communications Settings page where the end user can set their marketing preferences.
Note: This section is visible when the “Tickets - View All” and/or “Tickets - View Mine” boxes are checked in the Portal User Permission Group.
The Tickets section displays any currently open tickets by their Number, Assigned Contact, Subject, Date Created/Last Updated, Issue Type and Status. A shopping cart icon indicates that a ticket was invoiced. A document icon indicates that an estimate is associated with the ticket.
In addition, end users can click:
Ticket Number: Opens a Ticket Details page where they can:
- Attach File: Click to add relevant ticket Attachments (e.g., documents or images) and/or click an attachment's filename to view it.
- Preview PDF: Click to view/download a PDF of the ticket.
Ticket Comments: Enter a Ticket Comment/Message and click Add to Ticket to submit.
Tip: You can set up a notification to be alerted when the end user adds a new ticket comment.
The Ticket Comments section at the very bottom displays the full, running list of all Public Notes/ticket communications from newest to oldest.
- + New Ticket: Opens a pop-up window so the end user can submit a new ticket.
- The + New Ticket button is only visible when the “Tickets - Create New” box is checked in the Portal User Permission Group.
- The “Status Is Not/Status Is” filter allows end users to view tickets of any status, including tickets with the status “Resolved,” and is only visible when the “Tickets - Show Status Filters” box is checked in the Portal User Permission Group.
Account Overview
Note: The Account Overview section is only visible when the “Account Overview - View” box for the Portal User Permission Group is checked.
The Account Overview section displays the end user's Invoice balance and any available Credit Balance.
- If the “Enable the Prepay Hours Tracking Feature” box in the Customer Settings is checked, the Account Overview section also shows the Prepay Hours balance available for the (Customer) Organization.
- If the “Stored Payment Options - Manage” box for the Portal User Permission Group is checked, the Account Overview section also shows any stored payment profiles (such as stored credit cards or ACH accounts) if you've set up an integrated payment gateway.
End users can click the “Manage” link to display the Payment Information page. From there, they can:
- Click Add a Credit Card and/or Add ACH Profile to store a new payment profile (and decide to use it for any recurring invoices). For each payment profile saved, end users can also:
- Click the Pencil (Edit) icon to change the Nickname for easier recognition. (This does not edit actual credit card or ACH data.)
- Edit an Expiration date to remind themselves of when they'd like to update their information. (This can't be edited more than once.)
- Click the red Trash Can (Delete) icon to delete a payment profile.
Note: This section is only visible when the “Invoices - View All” and/or “Invoices - View Mine” boxes are checked in the Portal User Permission Group.
The table in the Invoices section displays all invoices by their Number and (Customer) Organization. Additionally:
- When an invoice has been paid, the Paid column indicates two things: whether a payment has been received (a checkmark appears), and whether a Ticket associated with the Invoice is still open (a ticket icon appears).
- Unless you've changed the sorting, the invoice creation Date column displays the oldest unpaid invoice first.
- Items shows a brief description of the work comprising the invoice. The invoice Total and any Balance Due shows last, along with a Pay Now button for any individual, unpaid invoices if you've set up an integrated payment gateway.
Clicking the Pay All button displays the Make a Payment page, where end users can pay one or more open invoices (and, adjust the payment of each invoice). End users can use any stored payment profiles to pay.
The Pay All button is only visible when the “Invoices - Pay Online with Credit Card” and/or “Invoices - Pay Online with ACH” boxes are checked in the Portal User Permission Group.
If you're using PayPal, a Checkout with PayPal button allows end users to pay their invoice via PayPal.
If you've set up an integrated payment gateway, a Pay Now button displays so end users can enter their credit card information or select their stored payment profile.
Note: The “Invoices - Pay Online with Credit Card” box must be checked in the Portal User Permission Group to support:
- Worldpay (credit card use)
- Stripe (all use, since it's credit card only)
- Authorize (all use, since it's credit card only)
- PayPal
The “Invoices - Pay Online with ACH” box must be checked in the Portal User Permission Group to support Worldpay (ACH use).
Note: This section is only visible when the “Payments - View All” and/or “Payments - View Mine” boxes are checked in the Portal User Permission Group.
The table in the Payments section displays all payments made by the end user by Date (least to most recent) and Amount.
Note: This section is only visible when the “Estimates - View All” and/or “Estimates - View Mine” boxes are checked in the Portal User Permission Group.
The table in the Estimates section displays any Estimates you've sent to the (Customer) Organization.
The estimate Number, Date (it was sent), Total (amount), and Status display here. End users can click the icon at the left of the Number column to view a PDF of that estimate.
If a ticket is associated with the estimate, end users can click the Ticket icon in the Number to open the relevant ticket.
If the estimate is still in an open state, the Portal displays Decline and Approve buttons in the Status field. When your end user approves an estimate in their Portal (or you do in Syncro), the Status appears with a circled green checkmark.
When the end user declines an estimate in their Portal (or you do in Syncro), the Status appears with a No Entry () icon.
If the estimate is associated with an open ticket, the Status field displays a lock icon; if the estimate has been converted to an invoice, the Status shows a grey checkmark.
See also: Estimates - Quotes.
Note: This is only visible when the “Documentation - View Public” box for the Portal User Permission Group is checked.
The list in the Documentation section displays links to any Documentation where the Page Type access is set to either “All Customer Portals” or “Customer Portal” for the (Customer) Organization.
End users can click a documentation link to view that page in the Portal, or search for a page using the field in the upper right.
See also: Documentation Center.
Note: This section is only visible when the “Credentials - View All” and/or “Credentials - View Mine” boxes are checked in the Portal User Permission Group.
The table in the Credentials section displays any Credentials you've set to “Public on Customer Portal” for the (Customer) Organization.
The credential Name, Username, Host/URL, Password, and Notes display.
On page load, the Password field displays as asterisks; click into the field to display the password and allow the end user to optionally copy it to their clipboard.
See also: Work with Masked Credentials.
- This section is only visible when the “Attachments - View Public” box is checked in the Portal User Permission Group.
- Individual attachments are only viewable in the Portal if you elected to make them public in the Attachments section of the Customer Details Page (or in the case of attachments to a Ticket, the Ticket Details Page.
Unless you've changed the sorting, the table in the Attachments section displays attachments associated with the end user (25 per-page), in ascending order by their Created (uploaded) date.
For each attachment, the created Date, a thumbnail, and the hyperlinked File name display. Clicking the hyperlink opens the attachment in a new browser window; end users can also download attachments from the link in the usual ways.
Note: This section is only visible when the “Assets - View All” and/or “Assets - View Mine” boxes are checked in the Portal User Permission Group.
The table in the Assets section displays any Assets associated with the end user. This list can help reassure your end users that you're managing the assets they care about most.
For each asset, the Name, Asset Serial Number, and Type display. When Splashtop is integrated and end-user remote access is enabled, the Remote column displays icons for remote access and/or backgrounding tools. (See End User Remote Access to Assets for more information.)
When the “Assets - Run Script” box is checked in the Portal User Permission Group and the “Available on Every (Customer) Portal” box in that script's settings is checked, then the end user can click a hyperlinked Syncro device Name and run those scripts. (Note: Only scripts without variables can be used like this.)
Below the Assets section in the Portal left navigation, the Portal displays up to 10 hyperlinked asset names alphabetically. End users can click the hyperlink to open and quickly access the asset. If more than 10 assets are available, the Portal displays a “View All” hyperlink at the bottom, which directs the end user to the main Assets section.
Legacy Version
Header & Button Bar
The header contains your company's branding information (e.g., logo, name) as you defined them when you set up your Syncro account, followed by the Business Name you specified when you created the Customer Organization whose end users will use the Portal.
After navigating to another screen, end users can click their Business Name to return to this top level Portal page.
The button bar in the upper right of the Portal works as follows:
- Password Reset: Sends a password reset email to the end user's email. This button is visible when the Customer is enabled as a Portal User. See Work with Portal Users & Permission Groups for instructions.
Privacy Settings: Opens a Communications Settings page where the end user can set their marketing preferences.
Note: This button is only visible when the “Privacy Settings - Manage” box for the Portal User Permission Group is checked. - Sign Out: Logs the end user out of the Portal and returns them to the Sign In page.
Account Overview
Note: This is only visible when the “Account Overview - View” box for the Portal User Permission Group is checked.
The Account Overview section displays the end user's Invoice balance and any available Credit Balance.
When the “Stored Payment Options - Manage” box for the Portal User Permission Group is checked, this section also shows any Stored Payment Options such as stored credit cards or ACH accounts.
Click the “Manage” link to display the Payment Information page. From there end users can:
- Click Add a Credit Card and/or Add ACH Profile to store a new payment profile (and decide to use it for any recurring invoices). For each payment profile saved, end users can then:
- Click the Pencil (Edit) icon to change the Nickname for easier recognition. (This does not edit actual credit card or ACH data.)
- Edit an Expiration date to remind themselves of when they'd like to update their information. (This can't be edited more than once.)
- Click the red X (Delete) icon to delete a payment profile.
Open Tickets
Note: This section is visible when the “Tickets - View All” and/or “Tickets - View Mine” boxes are checked in the Portal User Permission Group.
The Open Tickets section displays any currently open tickets by their Number, Assigned Contact, Subject, Date Created/Last Updated, Issue Type and Status. A shopping cart icon indicates the ticket was invoiced.
In addition, end users can click:
- A hyperlinked ticket Number: Opens a Ticket Details page where they can: add relevant ticket Attachments (e.g., documents or images) and/or click an attachment's filename to view it; view/download a PDF of the ticket; and add a Ticket Comment/Message.
Tip: You can set up a notification to be alerted when the end user adds a new ticket comment here.
The Ticket Comments section at the very bottom displays the full, running list of all Public Notes/ticket communications from newest to oldest. - +Create New Ticket: Opens a pop-up window so the end user can submit a new ticket.
- View All: Navigates to a page that displays all tickets with filter and search capabilities.
- The +Create New Ticket button is only visible when the “Tickets - Create New” box is checked in the Portal User Permission Group.
- The View All button is only visible when the “Tickets - View All” box is checked in the Portal User Permission Group.
- The “Status Is Not/Status Is” filter is only visible when the “Tickets - Show Status Filters” box is checked in the Portal User Permission Group.
Open Invoices
Note: This section is only visible when the “Invoices - View All” and/or “Invoices - View Mine” boxes are checked in the Portal User Permission Group.
The table in the Open Invoices section displays any currently open invoices by their Number and Customer Organization Name. It also indicates whether the invoice has been Paid and the invoice creation Date (oldest unpaid first).
Items shows a brief description of the work comprising the invoice. The invoice Total and any Balance Due is last, along with a Pay Now button for any individual, unpaid invoices.
- Similar to Open Tickets, View All navigates to a page that displays all invoices (paid and unpaid) with filter and search capabilities (e.g., search Items, Invoice Number).
- When an invoice has been paid, the Paid column indicates two things: whether a Tech took a payment, and whether a Ticket associated with the Invoice is still open (a lock icon appears).
Clicking the Pay All button displays the Make a Payment page, where your end users can pay one or more open invoices (and, adjust the payment of each invoice). End users can use any stored payment profiles to pay.
Note: The Pay All button is only visible when the “Invoices - Pay Online” box is checked in the Portal User Permission Group.
Clicking a hyperlinked Number or the hyperlinked Customer Organization Name in a row of the Open Invoices table displays an Invoice Details page, which is also downloadable/printable as a PDF (from either button).
If you're using PayPal, a Checkout with PayPal button allows end users to pay their invoice via PayPal.
If you've set up an integrated payment gateway, a Pay With Credit Card button displays so end users can enter their credit card information.
Note: For these buttons to appear, you must also check the “Invoices - Pay Online” box in the Portal User Permission Group.
Recent Payments
Note: This section is only visible when the “Payments - View All” and/or “Payments - View Mine” boxes are checked in the Portal User Permission Group.
The table in the Recent Payments section displays the 10 most recent payments made by your end user by Date (most to least recent) and Amount.
Similar to Open Tickets and Open Invoices, your end users can click View All to navigate to a page that displays all recent payments. (This page adds a search for locating specific payments.)
Note: This section is only visible when the “Estimates - View All” and/or “Estimates - View Mine” boxes are checked in the Portal User Permission Group.
The table in the Estimates section displays any Estimates you've sent to the Customer Organization.
The estimate Number, Status, Estimate Name, Date (it was sent), and Total amount display. End users can click the button in the Number column to view a PDF of that estimate.
If the estimate is still in an open state, the Portal displays Approve and Decline buttons in the Status field. When your end user approves an estimate in their Portal (or you do in Syncro), the Status appears with a green checkmark.
When the end user declines an estimate in their Portal (or you do in Syncro), the Status appears with a red X.
End users can click View All to navigate to a page that displays all of their Estimates with filter and search capabilities.
See also: Estimates - Quotes.
- This section is only visible when the “Attachments - View Public” box is checked in the Portal User Permission Group.
- Individual Attachments are only viewable in the End User Portal if you elected to make them public in the Attachments section of the Customer Organization Details Page (or in the case of attachments to a Ticket, the Ticket Details Page).
The table in the Attachments section displays 10 attachments associated with the end user, in ascending order by their Created (uploaded) date.
For each attachment, the created Date, a thumbnail, and the hyperlinked File name display. Clicking the hyperlink opens the attachment in a new browser window; end users can also download attachments from the link in the usual ways.
End users can click View All to navigate to a page that displays Attachments from all time.
Note: This section is only visible when the “Assets - View All” and/or “Assets - View Mine” boxes are checked in the Portal User Permission Group.
The table in the Assets section displays any Assets associated with the end user.
This list can help reassure end users that you're managing the assets they care most about.
For each asset, the Name, Asset Serial Number, and Type display. When Splashtop is integrated and end-user remote access is enabled, the Remote column displays icons for remote access and/or backgrounding tools. (See End User Remote Access to Assets for more information.)
When the “Assets - Run Script” box is checked in the Portal User Permission Group and the “Available on Every (Customer) Portal” box in that script's settings is checked, then the end user can click a hyperlinked Syncro device Name and run those scripts. (Only scripts without variables can be used like this.)
End users can click View All to navigate to a page that displays all Assets with search capabilities.