Access the End User Portal
Table of Contents
There are four ways your customers (end-users) can access the End User Portal.
Note: The End User Portal was previously referred to as the Customer Portal. You may see both names in Syncro for the time being.
Portal Links Inside Emails
There is a link at the bottom of various Syncro emails by default that End Users can click to sign into the Portal.
For example:
The highlighted line is included using the {{online_profile_url}} Template Tag in the following Email Templates:
- Credit Card Expired and Recurring Charge Failed
- Estimate Email, Statement Email, Paid Invoice Email, and Unpaid Invoice Email
- Non-Ticket Appointments Email
- Ticket Appointments Email, Ticket Autoresponder Email, Ticket Comment Email, Ticket Created Email, and Ticket Resolved Email
- The label for the Portal link reads “Online Profile," except for the Credit Card Expired and Recurring Charge Failed emails where it reads “Online Profile Update Payment Information.”
- Navigate to Admin > PDF/Email Templates - Email Templates to edit these emails and/or remove the Portal line at the bottom. See Customize PDF Templates for details.
IMPORTANT: If you remove the line from the Credit Card Expired and/or Recurring Charge Failed emails, customers will not be able to update an expired credit card.
Embedded Website Code
You can embed forms into your existing website that connect your End Users to the Portal. To do this, Syncro generates some code you can copy and paste.
Log In Form
To allow your End Users to login to their Portal from your website using their email address (if there's no Portal User) and email/password (if there are Portal Users), follow these steps:
- Navigate to Admin > Integrations - Website Integrations.
- Scroll to the "Customer Login Form Code" section:
- Optionally, click the first link to preview the page (opens in a new browser tab/window).
- Click the second link to view the code Syncro generates:
- Copy and paste the code from step 4 into a page on your website.
Submit New Ticket/Look Up Existing Ticket
To allow your End Users to submit a new ticket or research what's happening with an existing ticket from the same form, follow these steps:
- Navigate to Admin > Integrations - Website Integrations.
- If you want to collect a mailing address when customers Start a New Service Ticket, check the “Add address fields to Check_ins Widget” box in the Customize Forms section (at the very top of the page), then click Save.
- Scroll to the "Customer Check-In Form Code" section:
- Optionally, click the first link to preview the page (opens in a new browser tab/window):
- Click the second link to view the code Syncro generates.
- Copy and paste the code from step 5 into a page on your website.
Note: The “Check Ins Embed Code (Not Customizable)” option is similar to this, but uses an iframe if you want to use Syncro's default styles.
Direct URL
You can provide your End Users with the following, direct login link to the Portal:
Be sure to substitute yoursubdomain with your actual subdomain.
IMPORTANT: End Users must use the URL above to login to the Portal. They should NOT use, which is what you and your staff use to access Syncro.
Once your End Users navigate to that URL, Syncro displays the following page so they can log in:
Agent Systems Tray Menu
When the “Customer Portal - Access” setting is disabled, end-users can only submit tickets from the Agent Systems Tray menu using the URL: ../my_profile/v2/asset_new_ticket_form.
See also: Portal User Permission Groups.
Syncro Users' Access to the Portal
You and your employees/staff can also access the End User Portal by following these steps:
- Navigate to the Customers tab/module, then select a specific customer to display their Customer Details Page.
- In the Customer Information section on the left, click the “Customer Online Profile” link:
If the Customer's account does NOT have any Portal Users, Syncro immediately displays the Portal as the End User would see it. For example:
If the Customer's account DOES have one or more Portal Users, Syncro navigates you to, where you will need to enter the username and password for a specific Portal User's account.
Tip: You can also enter this URL directly into your browser.