Set Up the Zebra LP2844
Note: This document has been imported from the former KB and has not yet been verified.
To set up the Zebra LP2844 label printer, follow these steps:
- Download this driver on your Windows computer.
- Run the .exe file.
- When you're asked to specify the printer model, choose Eltron LP2844.
- Confirm that it's showing up in Control Panel > Hardware and Sound > Devices and Printers:
- Right click the Zebra to edit its properties. Select the Ports tab. Select USB001 if it's not already selected.
- Right click the Zebra again to edit its preferences. Select a 1"x3" paper size, then select the Landscape orientation.
You are now ready to print labels!
Note: Make sure that when you print to the Zebra using the windows print dialog that the paper size selected is also 1x3.