Create OID Monitors
Table of Contents
An OID is a unique numerical value that identifies a managed object in a network. OIDs are used in the Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) to monitor and manage networks.
Adding OIDs is optional, but without them you can only monitor the online/offline status of an asset.
You need to know the IP address of the network device you want to monitor, the specific OID(s), and the value type of those OIDs.
Add an OID Monitor
Note: You can add OIDs on a one-off basis to an SNMP asset. Any OIDs added here will need to be manually added into any other SNMP asset if you want to monitor them on other assets.
To add a Custom OID Monitor, follow these steps:
- Navigate to the Assets & RMM tab/page.
- Find the network device in the list of Assets and click the hyperlinked Name to display the Asset's Details page.
- Click Edit.
- Select the SNMP Details tab.
- If it's not already, set up SNMP.
- In the OID Monitors (Custom) section, click +Add Custom Monitor. Syncro displays additional fields:
- Enter or select values for each field displayed:
- Monitor Name: Enter a recognizable/descriptive name for the OID monitor for identification later.
- Unit Name: Optionally, enter name of the unit being monitored.
- Object Identifier (OID): Enter the actual OID (e.g., “.”).
- Value Type: Select the type of value this OID will return (string or number).
- Threshold Modifier: Select a modifier based on the selected Value Type (for strings: contains, does not contain, equals, does not equal; for numbers: greater than, greater than or equal, equals, does not equal, less than, less than or equal).
- Threshold Value: Enter a value that to check the polled results against after applying the Threshold Modifier.
- Threshold Duration: Enter a numeric threshold that must be breached before alerting. Alternatively, leave this field blank to be alerted immediately. (Monitors are checked every 60 seconds.)
- Duration Units: Select a unit of time specified in the threshold duration (minutes, hours days).
- Append Custom Message to Alert Body: Enter a custom message to the body of the alert.
- Auto-resolve Alert When Clear: Check this box to automatically clear the alert once it has been resolved.
- Click the red X to remove a Custom OID Monitor.
- One of three possible outcomes display for each OID Monitor:
Success: When the value of the OID is found, you will see a green checkmark; you can hover over it to see the specific value:
Timeout: When there's a network connection issue, you will see a red exclamation point:
Not Found: When the network configuration is correct but the OID value is not found on the network device, you will also see a red exclamation point:
Success: When the value of the OID is found, you will see a green checkmark; you can hover over it to see the specific value:
- Repeat from Step 6 to add additional Custom OID Monitors.
Tip: In addition to manually adding Monitor OIDs, you can add an OID Recipe to a SNMP device based on the Asset Type. See Work with OID Monitor Recipes for details. - Scroll to the top and click Save Changes.
View an Asset's Monitored Object Identifiers (OIDS)
The Monitored Object Identifiers (OIDs) section of an asset's Details page displays each OID being monitored for the network device.
Click Refresh to trigger a recheck of the displayed OID values:
A green checkmark indicator means the status is within the limits of the threshold. A red exclamation means the status has exceeded the limits of the threshold.
The next column displays the display Name you the OID, followed by the last polled value, and the unit type (if applicable). The last column denotes the threshold given to the OID in order to throw an alert.
You can also view all RMM alerts that have been generated from the OIDs for an SNMP asset on the asset's Monitoring subtab:
Click the hyperlinked name to display a page so you can view the alert, create a new ticket, or mute the alert: