Products & Services Fields Reference
This table provides more detail about the fields on the Product Details subtab, which you'll encounter when you add to your inventory:
Field | Description |
UPC Code | Add your own Universal Product Code (UPC). Syncro uses this number to generate a barcode for you. |
Product or Service | The default radio button, which indicates the item is a product or service. |
Discount - Amount/Discount - Percent | Select one of these radio buttons if you want to create a discount, which can be added as a line item on an invoice. When you create a discount here it becomes a trackable item in your "Product Sales Report." |
Price Retail | This is the retail price of your product or service. You can skip this field if using Percentage Markup. |
Percentage Markup | First, enter a Price Cost. Then enter a percentage in this field to have Syncro automatically calculate the Price Retail. |
Price Cost | This is what you paid to purchase a product. |
Percent Discount | This field is only editable when you select the “Discount - Percent” radio button above. You can then enter the discount percentage here. |
Taxable | Check this box to indicate that the item is “taxable.” Leave this unchecked if your item should be tax free. |
Notes | Type any notes that will be used internally for this product or service. |
Maintain Stock | Check this box to track quantity, order from purchase orders, and get alerts when an item is running low on stock. |
Serialized | Check this box if you have items you want to track using a serial number. |
Quantity | This is the amount of items you have in stock. |
One Time Use | Check this box if you would like Syncro to disable the product once it reaches a quantity of 0. Requires checking the “Enable One-Time-Use Inventory Items” box in Admin > Inventory - Preferences. |
Reorder At | Triggers a pending "Low Stock" request, which alerts you if you have a Notification Set. |
Desired Stock Level | Syncro creates a pending order to bring you back to this "desired stock level" when you hit your re-order point. |
Category | Dropdown menu that allows you to categorize items to organize them. You can also use categories like "Labor", "Pre-Pay Hours", and "Deposit" to trigger other Syncro features. |
Sort Order | Set certain products into a higher position on your inventory list so they are easier to find. You may want to sort by order of importance, for example. |
Physical Location | If applicable, where the item is located physically in your shop. |
Condition | The condition the item is in e.g. “New,” "Used," etc. |
Warranty Template | Assign Warranties to products so when the product is sold, the warranty gets added to the Customer's record. Define Warranty Templates under Admin > Inventory - Warranty Templates. |
Vendors | Select a Vendor name, if applicable. (Vendors are defined under Admin > Inventory - Vendors.) |
Tax Rate | Select a Tax Rate, if applicable. (Tax Rates are defined under Admin > Invoices - Tax Rates.) See also Configure Tax Rates. |